Saturday, December 3, 2016

Home Based Business Ideas for Bakers

Many people are these days looking at home businesses as an alternative to finding a regular job in a tough job market, or to add to their income on a part time basis. If you have some baking skills and you are interested in home baking, then starting a home business is a real option. It is relatively easy to start since you will probably have most of the tools and equipment already in your kitchen. The question of course is what to bake? There are so many possibilities but not all of them are suitable for making money.  I have been involved in home baking for profit for quite a long time and have come to realize that an important factor is the cost of ingredients and therefore not all recipes are suitable for baking for profit.  From my experience the following home baking ideas provide the best opportunity to earn a reasonable income from your efforts.

  • ·         Home bake cookies

  • ·         Homemade candy

  • ·         Cookie/candy bouquets

  • ·         Gift baskets

One of the big advantages of baking cookies for profit is that you are almost certain that you will find a market for your products. Cookies are always popular provided that you provide a quality product at a reasonable price. Again not all recipes will fit the bill, but there are certain old-time favorites such as ginger cookies, chocolate chip cookies, sugar and spice cookies that will be a success. A niche to consider is to bake diabetic cookies or cookies for special occasions. 

Homemade candy is another option that can be very profitable. Making candy does require some specific knowledge of working with sugar and chocolate but this can easily be acquired on the internet or by getting one of many books available on the subject. There are a wide variety of candies ranging from hard candy such as lollipops and peanut brittle, to soft candies such as marshmallows, Turkish delight, fudges etc. There are also no-bake candies such as coconut ice, peppermint creams etc.  Whatever your choice, it pays to take one or two types of candy and concentrate on making it something special. By taking one candy, for example fudge, and adding different ingredients such as chocolate, nuts or ginger etc., you can develop a range with variety and some uniqueness.

Home made coconut ice
Cookie and candy bouquets have become very popular as gifts and for special occasions. It is an ideal way of adding value to your products and opening up new ways of selling your products. They make excellent gifts and can be linked to special occasions such as birthdays, births etc.  Bouquets can be very simple and straight forward. You will find many ideas on the internet for cookie and candy bouquets. 

Gift baskets can also be arranged from your homemade cookies and candy. This is an excellent way of adding value and promoting your products. These are popular for special occasions such as Father’s day.

Baking from home can become a profitable home business. The best way to start is to choose one or two recipes and try your products on friends and family to get their feedback on the quality of your product. The next step is to look at proper packaging and to find the right price. Once you have a product that you can sell, the process of promoting and marketing both off-line and on-line starts.  If you want to get first hand information on starting a home bake business, why not have a look at my e-book "Bake for Profit".

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